You may know what's best for you. But heeding it is another thing altogether. Take sleep for instance. My wife and I recently babysat our granddaughter, Jolie. After we put her down to sleep she rolled around and played with the railings on the crib, snuggled with her blanket... pretty much anything to stay awake. Watch this short video.
Jolie is too young to understand the importance of sleep. But you and I know how vital it is to staying in our Zone Of Excellence. Yet, how often do you stay up late, or work too many days in a row without a day off?
We all need what I call Swing. It's the rhythm of a pendulum. On one end is complete rest. On the other end is complete energetic output. The problem arises when we don't swing right.
There are two possible ways to have improper swing. The first is too much rest. My guess is, this is not a problem for you. The other is too much output. Now that's where we have the most problem.
You must come to grips with the fact that more and more output diminishes over time when there is no rest. The paradoxical thing is this:
More is less.
An excellent life requires that you both understand and practice this key life concept:
As long as rest is last, it will always less than you need. But when rest is first, it becomes an investment in future output.
Serving Strong Enterprises, LLC
PO Box 246, Canfield, OH 44406 ◻️
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